Wondering Who Does The Scrubbing To Get Your Books "Squeaky Clean"?

Meet The Team!


Austen Meier "Head Honcho"

He began his journey as many do: running a small business and grappling with the ever-elusive concept of profit.

Like many entrepreneurs, the early days were filled with questions. Was there such a thing as owning a small business and not struggling to make ends meet?

As the desperation grew, it was time to find answers. Who knew that finances tell the story of a business?

Realizing the power that true financial understanding played in business success, he transitioned into professional bookkeeping.

He's been in the trenches, faced the same challenges, and emerged stronger. Now he is on a mission: to guide fellow entrepreneurs through the financial maze, and finding at the end that profit does exist.


Gina Meier

The Real Head Honcho...shh🤫!!

Having flexed her adaptability muscles (and actual muscles) at The Cleaning Crew, it was a welcome challenge to take on a new role at Squeaky Clean Books, she's not just been along for the ride – she's been steering the ship.

Marketing? Client acquisition? Those are her domains.

Making sure that from the moment you hop on that initial discovery call to your monthly check-ins, you're in for a stellar experience.


Leisel Nichols

Bookkeeping Powerhouse

Owner of her own fantastic company,

In Focus Bookkeeping, Leisel brings a business owners perspective to her work at Squeaky Clean Books.

Never one to back down, Leisel thrives on challenges, transforming the most intimidating tasks into opportunities for growth. She's ever-eager to expand her knowledge, keeping her at the forefront of her field.

Clients can't get enough of her. It's not just her outstanding proficiency in bookkeeping that they rave about; it's her warmth and her approachability.

In Leisel's capable hands, every venture feels like a partnership destined for success.


Jennifer Ginther EA

Tax Expert

Jennifer isn't merely an Enrolled Agent with the IRS; she's the reigning queen of tax strategy at Squeaky Clean Books in partnership with her own firm, Fairwinds Biz Solutions.

Beyond mere preparation, Jennifer crafts masterful tax blueprints, ensuring every client stays several steps ahead of potential pitfalls.

With her proactive approach to tax planning and resolution, she's not just solving problems—she's predicting and preventing them.



The Real...Actual...Head Honcho...

Starting off life left in a box with his two sisters and brother at a animal rescue in Seminole, Florida...he quickly climbed the ranks and is now the boss of our hearts.

He is a total mystery breed...but our best guess is Chihuahua mixed with Golden Retriever. Don't ask us how it happened, we are just glad it did.

His role at Squeaky Clean Books is cuteness director, lead chicken eater, and whipped cream inspector.

Can't get enough Benny? Neither can we, so of course like any puppy in the 21st century he has his own Instagram.



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